Abhinav , a resident of Dehradun has sent an application to the Cyber Crime police station, Dehradun. He has brought to the notice of the department of his contact with a broker named Ramakrishna, who proposed him to make huge profits with the help of trading. Having trusted the trader, initially, a sum of 50 thousand rupees was invested by the man to which the trader gave him double the amount as temptation he invested, in return and further asked him to invest more.
The return convinced Abhinav and he fell into the trap of the broker. He got himself issued a sum of 22 lacs from different banks ad gave the trader that money on different dates. The trader showed bearer an expected profit of 3.30 Lac American Dollars in his trading account after having made the payment. When the bearer asked to draw the money back, the cybercriminal asked him to pay a tax of 15 percent (approximately 37,00,000) by the medium of Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency).

The complaint filer arranged the sum from different sources, bought a bitcoin of that sum, and sent it to the fraudster. After this, all contacts from the bearer were shut down by the trader, which made the bearer realize that he has been conned. The filer of the complaint Abhinav faced fraud of approximately 60,00,000- (60 lacs). A case has been filed in the cybercrime police station, Dehradun and a prosecution has been registered for the same.
